David Stoddard is an well respected, highly admired and much sought out "Motivational Speaker / Writer who stands head and shoulders above others in his chosen field of endeavor, due to his rare and unique ability to get directly to the very center of the issue at hand, in a comfortable, down-home, friendly and peaceful manner.
Personally and professionally, I find him to simply be one of the most amazingly well balanced, multi-talented people I have ever had the pleasure to run into and thankfully befriend here on the www. (wild, wacky web.)
I suppose it's his uncanny skill of being able to thoroughly set his own personal predilections and passions aside in order to truly listen his clients, audience, students, associates and friend.
This puts him in a position to effectively reach people at the deepest possible levels of their inner being, making his deep insights and perceptive observations "legitimately" applicable, unlike so much of the mass marketed, "one size fits all" pop psychology that is being fraudulently disbursed around the web by a vast number of unethical and unscrupulous "Snake Oil" sales people looking to make a quick buck.