Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We're Coming Back, Really!

I soooo want to just say that we will be taking a bit of a break from all of the blogging and related stuff. BUT, (and that's a big but), I am sure you can see we have pretty much taken our own form of a sabbatical of sorts.

For those observant many, the most recent post (not counting this one) was way back earlier this year on November 9th. Before that was sometime before Halloween, and then another one some 7 weeks before that.

But yes, we are still taking that break, mostly because of the end-of-the-year rush with work things happening, too many parties with the rich and famous we just must go to, and that game of Risk we started back in the late 90s just never seems to end.

What we won't tell you right away...

So yeah, I don't think we're gonna come out here and tell you to get to work, make a commitment, write every day, (though I do believe Larry and I do, it's just that most folks won't see it or know it's us. Well, at least that's Larry's roll as a ghost writer. Me, mostly emails and slightly creative inside joke newsletters for friends).

But Then Again...

Because of what the two of us do anyway, (all of those behind the scenes stuff not exactly connected to BEL), we just might discuss how to keep pushing forward, write when you don't really feel like it, balance your work life with your life life, bust loose in the new year (without surgery).

I can't tell you, exactly...

There is that saying when giving presentations.
  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them.
  • Tell them what you told them.

Now that works for those times when one is giving a talk, but it doesn't work so much here. First of all, we're not 119% sure what exactly BEL will always be about. And it would be crazy to tell you we will be giving away free pizzas when we don't even know where to get enough pepperoni to feed so many folks.


But over time, BEL will work itself out and become something well worth the price of admission to this site. If you run your own business, work for a business, a not-for-profit organization, want to have a business, need a business, want to write, are a writer, need a writer, give presentations, want to improve your presentations, want to get started presenting, or just want a present, (umm, might not be able to help you on that last one), but this will be the place to be.


It's all online. So it's electric (boogie ooogie ooogie).


Also, if you have a life, need a life, want to do more with your life, need to balance your life, feel your life is out of your control, or just want ideas for what to do, this too can be the place to get started.

By now, and if you have read some of the previous posts over the year(s) either here or on our own sites and blogs, you know that we don't always come off as serious (though we have our moments). The way things are presented may not always be seriously boring (or is that boring because it's so serious?) Whichever. But what we will bring you will help, if you work with it. (wow, that was serious), sorry about that.

Anyway, as I started to say at the top of this, we're still on break. So I have no idea why I have sat here and written so much. But stay tuned.

And to do that, feel free to follow us on Twitter.


Until then, just promise us not too much eggnog, ok?

David & (Larry, but he is working his fingers off right now, but will be back as well).

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